Typical Food of West Kalimantan

Typical Food of West Kalimantan

Typical Food of West Kalimantan

Stop by West Kalimantan, and don’t forget to taste the typical food from West Kalimantan. Don’t just stop by for a vacation but don’t taste the food. The typicalfood of West Kalimantan will make you want to come back again because of the tourist attractions and the food you can get. Here are 3 West Kalimantan foods that you rarely find anywhere else


Dapurletter – The typical food of West Kalimantan, Pengkang has a triangular shape where the food is wrapped in banana leaves. At first glance, it looks like a Lemper. In the stuffing, there is Ebi. If you are tasting the bridle, don’t be confused about why the banana leaf skin is very difficult to open. Because the way to process the bridle is to burn it over coals by pinching 2 firewood.

Kim Ko Cake

Kiam Ko Kue is a snack from West Kalimantan, specifically from Pontianak. The basic ingredient of Kiam ko cake is rice flour. The ingredients used to make Kiam ko cake are coconut milk, salt, and others. When making Kiam ko cake, also provide chopped chicken. Before decorating the Kiam ko cake, coat the minced chicken with spices. After all the seasoning process is complete, decorate the Kiam ko cake and place it on top of the cake.

Kim Ko Cake
difficult manufacturing process//Kim Ko Cake

In Pontianak, there are many types of food that you can taste, one of which is jorong-jorong. The ingredients used to make jorong-jorong are rice flour, coconut milk, and banana leaves for wrapping.